четверг, 13 февраля 2020 г.


Also in this file we have JavaScript code which gets a list of sidebar elements and adds links to our plugin details:. Editor Product Family It also fixes a little security problem of permission check about undo processing. This article explains the basics of creating a plugin for the Contao CMS using the Contao Viewer plugin as an example. For this purpose we create some functions. contao 2.11.6

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This code gave access to this folder from ather web pages of Admin side where user can bee. Comparison Product Family As you can see, even in language files there has to be a plugin info block and conttao line of code that limits access.

contao 2.11.6

You can download the completed plugin from Contao. Parser Product Family Signature Product Family Merger Product Family Next Query returned 32 messages, browsing 21 to 30 Previous.

The installation of this CMS is a simple. Fixed Correctly align stylect menus in the form generator in the back end see Also in this language file we declare all dependences and includes such as icons etc. Enter this code into the file: We do this in order that Contao CMS will have contqo to this file from any Admin side page where user edit the content of this page.

How to Create GroupDocs Viewer Plugin for Contao CMS

As I mentioned, we must use JavaScript as simple text and include it to the page by using echo or print commands. Update contao to 2. Contao uses the TinyMCE editor so we can use this as the starting point to get the position for where to place our button, and recognize if a user turns on page editing or not.

That creates the class. This JavaScript receives the button position and creates the button:.

PHPDeveloper: PHP News, Views and Community

Enter this code into the file:. Fixed Do not override the comments array in case login conhao required to comment, otherwise no commets will be shown see Conversion Product Family Now we will add some useful functionality.

contao 2.11.6

Fixed Correctly handle units when importing style sheets see Fixed The mediabox plugin did not play Vimeo videos see The first file is named modules. Redaction Product Family 8. Viewer Product Family Here is the code:. Fixed Consider the page language when forwarding see Assembly Product Family All code explanations are on the same lines of the code in the section below. Update contao pacakge to 2.

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contao 2.11.6

Fixes a critical privilege escalation: Update contao package to 2. The first line if! This site is operated by www.

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