понедельник, 17 февраля 2020 г.


Replacez correctement le cache de la batterie. The transformer is not a toy and should be connected to the wall outlet by an adult. Deleting a profile on the handheld will delete all game and curriculum tracking, as well as any achievements earned for that profile, since the last time the handheld was connected to the computer. Just connect the handheld to the computer to update the number of Bitz each player has earned. NE PAS recharger des piles non rechargeables. jetpack heroes didj

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If there is damage or broken parts, remove toy from use. Ne plongez pas le produit dans I'eau.

jetpack heroes didj

Canada Consumer Service Contact: Reglez le son lorsque vous etes dans un endroit calme et baissez-le si vous n'entendez pas les personnes qui parlent autour de vous. Le cordon de I'adaptateur peut provoquer un risque d'etranglement. This information can be changed at any time from dicj About Me menu screen.

ROMper ROOM: Didj customizes learning

II peut arriver que certaines personnes soient sujettes a une attaque sous leffet dune lumiere vive ou dun jeu de lumieres provenant de lecran dun televiseur ou dun ordinateur.

Select a country required the first time only. V J Images represent gameplay only and do not reflect actual screenshot pixelation. JetPack Heroes teaches and reinforces mathematics skills for 1st through 4th grade players agesincluding addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. It should revert to normal operation when the interference stops.

LeapFrog shall not be liable for any incidental or consequential damages for the breach of any warranty on this product. Micromods available for purchase with bitz include special whip and fighting moves along with a secret level. All games may not be available in all markets.

To delete a player profile, go to the About Me menu screen on the handheld. If you need replacement parts for this product, please contact LeapFrog Consumer Services.

jetpack heroes didj

jet;ack The Didj comes with a game — Jetpack Heroes — already onboard, and the player can use his favorite Didji during the side-scrolling adventure. While the DIDJ handheld is connected to the computer, it will not shut down automatically. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, or limitation on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you.

Si ce n'est pas le cas, il peut s'averer necessaire d'eteindre et rallumer I'appareil ou de retirer et reinstaller les piles.

Please read our comment hefoes before commenting. Then download the character to the handheld to make it available to play in any game that uses Didji characters. Routinely check this toy for proper and safe condition.

NE PAS jeter les piles au feu car elles peuvent exploser ou fuir.

Evitez I'exposition herows des temperatures extremes et a la lumiere directe du soleil. The painless process has plenty of options to configure down to facial features and a sound bite and owners can load up to 10 new buddies. L'utilisation de ce jouet doit jetpacl lieu sous la supervision d'un adulte.

Nettoyez les produits avec un chiffon legerement humide eau froide. Protegez votre oui'e Une exposition durable a des sonorites trop fortes peut entrainer une perte definitive de I'oui'e.

jetpack heroes didj

Players may become frustrated with the save option as they must work through all levels of a mission before taking a break. Do not immerse in water or use soap or other chemicals.

Full text of "LeapFrog Didj manual"

Never try to dismantle the unit. Because this toy generates, uses and jefpack radiate radio frequency energy, there can be no guarantee that interference will not occur.

Suivez les procedures adequates pour vous debarrasser des piles usagees.

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