среда, 19 февраля 2020 г.


Between a crumpled and a curlicue at the swaggering, we find that even the fixes can delete what we have written, because every sign is an indelible mark of our personality. Locales recommended by Asiago. Nobody thinks, no one makes us case. Find out where to sleep and where to eat on the Seven Mountains Asiago Seven. If errors or inaccuracies are found in these pages, you can send a notification to the email address segnalazioni asiago. The events will be held in collaboration with the library and the municipality of Asiago. i segreti della scrittura candida livatino

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Between a crumpled and a curlicue at the swaggering, we find that even the fixes can delete dellq we have written, because every sign is an indelible mark of our personality.

If errors or inaccuracies are found in these pages, you can send a notification to the email address segnalazioni asiago. The author teach us to recognize key strokes, even through the graphologic analysis examples of writings of famous people from Fiorello for Alessia Marcuzzi, by Barbara D'Urso Gerry Scotti and starring the facts of record like Jammal Misseri, Olindo Romano and Salvatore Pais.

The exhibition is organized by the library scrittur the point which is going on IV Novembre sereti in Asiago.

The events will be held in collaboration with the library and the municipality of Asiago. But when we write by hand, every little sign that draw on the sheet he carries a hidden meaning and reflects what our unconscious that pen.

i segreti della scrittura candida livatino

Nobody thinks, no one makes us case. Tourist Office Municipality of Gallium -tel The library reached the point of Asiago -tel - asiago giunti.

Candida Livatino presents the book I SEGRETI DELLA SCRITTURA, Asiago August 9

Thanks to a simple language and practical examples, you will learn what it means to scribble that we made scrittra our notes, because our colleague does not honor margins ever, or what hides the incomprehensible to our son. In this manual, designed to introduce the reader to the science of writing, grafologa Candida Livatino guides us to explore a world of narrow margins, elongated letters and writings angolose.

Welcome Plateau of Asiago 7 Dellaa. Locales recommended by Asiago.

i segreti della scrittura candida livatino

Like a fingerprint, unique and unrepeatable, can be studied and analyzed, and can help us to discover the character of who's next and to deepen the knowledge of ourselves. Find out where to sleep and where to eat on the Seven Mountains Asiago Seven.

Will moderate the meetings Fabio Cappabianca and Piero Barcau. From 19 July to 23 August to Asiago will hold a series of events entitled " literary " Aperitif with author ", in which the authors will present his book dlela to reveal the backstory and curiosities. Friday, August 9 at the Center stage of Asiago to Foreword by Mario Giordano.

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