воскресенье, 16 февраля 2020 г.


Feed for this topic. Parallel start made it much less frequent but it does still happen. Provider to class javax. In fact, the version in WAS is newer than the version you are trying to include in your application. This is the accepted answer. Hi, these steps absolutely work. jaxws-rt-2.1.5.jar

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Log in to reply. By the end of the week I should know whether the issue has been fixed in the latest WAS 8 fix pack or not.


Hi, remove your jaxws jars. Which FP version are you on? April Newest version No Tags: I noticed that com. Sorry, I spoke too soon. Hi, Are you including your own Axis2 jar in the application? Cannot cast class org.

In fact, the version in WAS is newer than the version you are trying to include in your application. Hi, That is the point of picking the classes from the plugin dir.

Sometime class is correctly loaded from jaxws-rt. Provider to class javax. WebSphere Application Server Log in to participate.

Using JAX-WS Based ActiveVOS WSHT4J API

But still serviceLoader is finding [ org. Hi, you removed the org. Strangest thing is behavior jaxws-rt-2.1.5.jat not consistent.

June Newest version No Organization not specified URL Not specified License not specified Dependencies amount 6 Dependencies jaxws-apijaxb-implsaaj-implstreambuffersjsxpstax-exThere are maybe transitive dependencies! Do you think it's worth me trying that option?

Yes, please remove the jars from your ear, please them in a directory, create an isolated shared lib, and link the shared lib to the app. Artifact jaxws-rt Group com. If not then I need other options and so far the only one I can think of is to remove the jar. With this option unchecked it worked 7 times in a row but then the jaxws-rt--2.1.5.jar restart still threw java. In my case it's Apache CXF rather than Axis but the behaviour is the same as what was recorded here so I thought I'd add my experience here to help anyone else who encounters a similar issue.

The point I don't understand is even after setting com. Feed for this topic. I have set com. I've configured them to start in a specific order to try to get consistent behaviour but there is still some randomness coming from somewhere. I am attaching a sample with all the necessary third party jars included and WAS parameters for parent last class loading. If not then I guess the workaround is to remove axis2.


Hi, do not remove anything from the plugins directory. Hi, I am still receiving the same error. Sometimes it works as desired but other times it loads classes from the axis2. I heard that there are issues with class loading jaxws-rt-2.1.5.jad this version. Could these be affecting it?

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