вторник, 18 февраля 2020 г.


If you wish to perform broader data mining activities, refer to Chapter 4, "Users and Privileges for Data Mining". In Chapter 1 , you learned how to install Oracle Database on your personal computer. The programs illustrate typical approaches to data preparation, algorithm selection, algorithm tuning, testing, and scoring. Note that the directory listing in the following example includes one file, dmhpdemo. The views are described in the following table: However, one of the files, dmhpdemo. dmsh.sql

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To install the Database, see the installation instructions for your platform at http: Selected attributes of the input data are preprocessed binned.

The Data Mining Sample Programs

Mining Functions The Java sample programs are presented by mining function in Table The Sample Data The dmsh. Follow the instructions in "Run the Sample Programs". Ask your system administrator to run dmshgrants.


Run the program by specifying an at sign followed by the fully-qualified path of the program. Follow these steps to configure the sample data and grant the necessary privileges to your data mining user ID. Specify the full path of the Oracle home directory. Data for building models that include text. See Oracle Database Sample Schemas for instructions. If you followed the instructions in "Install Oracle Database"the sample schemas are installed automatically in the starter database.


The Java text mining programs both use the dmtxtnmfdemo. Create a Net Service Name A Net Service Name specifies the name of a database the global database namethe name of the computer host on which it is installed, and the port number where the database listens for requests from a client.

Use the following steps vmsh.sql install Dmsh.sql Client on a Windows platform:. Pass the name of the data mining user to dmshgrants. Build a classification model using training data Display model details and settings Test the model by applying the model on the test data Compute test metrics, such as confusion matrix, lift, and ROC Apply the model on the scoring data Present apply results Present ranked apply results, influenced by a cost matrix dmnbdemo.

On the Product-Specific Prerequisite page, verify that all checks succeeded. Run the Sample Programs You can run the sample programs as many times as you wish. Database Examples provides a set of sample programs that illustrate numerous features of Oracle Database, including Oracle Data Mining.

To perform data mining activities in the database, you must log dmsh.wql with a user ID that has been granted the necessary database privileges. Each program creates a mining model in the database.


This script creates views of the sample data in the schema of the data mining user. Dmzh.sql data for data mining not text mining. Follow these steps to install the data mining sample programs: The programs clean up the results of the previous run before executing the current run. Text mining using NMF. Unzip the sample programs to a directory on your computer Ask the system administrator to install the SH schema in the remote database, if it has not already been installed Ask the system administrator to run dmshgrants.

The views define columns of dmsh.ql data from tables in the SH schema. Selected attributes of the input data are preprocessed. Ask the system administrator to run dmshgrants.


The views are used to build, test, and score the sample models. The model is scored, and each feature ID is associated with a probability. Oracle Universal Installer opens and displays the Welcome page. Run the Configuration Scripts Follow these steps to configure the dmeh.sql data and grant the necessary privileges to your data mining user ID.

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